Wednesday, April 28, 2010

screen printing

screen printing has been a trial, let me tell ya. However I am "close" to done, about halfway, with most of my posters done..once they are finished I'll take some pictures and post them up here

Friday, April 9, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So I've decided on 3 posters, I have most of the text and images figured out(with room for a bit of touch ups)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Female Posters

Here is my walk to work directed to females. I wanted them to look fashionable and be about having a feminine sexy body.

New Scope

BTW here's the new scope

Walking to Work

So I've worked with both creating a series of three different events as well as creating a series of the same event that focus' on different audiences. After creating many sketches as well as working with different text I have decided it might be more interesting to design the same event but for different audiences. this will show a range in my ability to problem solve as well as an understanding of different audiences. If I were to use 3 events I would have to connect them, most likely using a similar style, and that would not show my ability to solve the same problem in multiple ways.

Friday, March 5, 2010


So here is my first round of sketches, just trying out new styles and ideas for my promotional posters

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Third Tries A Charm

Well, I'm working on the charm part, but it's better than the past two attempts. I am now creating a series of posters promoting not so fun activities that can benefit the community. I am trying to promote these in a comically positive way. The three activities I am working with so far are donating blood(rest and relaxation), volunteering at a soup kitchen(culinary training), and last but not lease walking to work( a free aerobic workout). Currently I am deciding on a style to you in designing promotional materials and I've done a few sketches depicting a possible series.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Senior Project Take 2

Ok, so after talking to Jennifer my book has changed a little, but not too much. I am not purely doing desserts, and rather than focusing on recipes I am focusing on alternative ingredients and how they can be a nutritional benefit. I want to include info about certain diets still, and I would also like to include two recipes at the end of each diet-based section, one sweet, one not. I have not redone my scope diagram yet but I have started to brainstorm some images I can include.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Senior Project

Originally I was going to do a book highlighting community art projects in Baltimore. However while discussing the plans in class it became apparent that I was "biting off more than I could chew" as they say. I would still like to create a book and some complimentary items though, so I have changed to a cooking/food book. My friend/boyfriend's sister Stacey created a book of dessert recipes for very specific diets(diabetic, gluten free, vegan etc) while she was in culinary school at the CIA. She has also included facts about the conditions these recipes are made for, as well as a list of food alternatives. Currently she has a lot of notes so this will give me the freedom to put the text together as I choose(and to add or subtract anything). I want to create a book that is fun and unintimidating. Too often diet books are as bland as the food in them and all the weird-named food alternatives can be a bit scary. I want this book to be very welcoming and generally fun to look at as well as easy to use.